I got to kick it with Shaun Noel in artist alley at the 2014 New York Comic Con. Shaun is the writer of the comic called City Of Walls and he’s also part of a group called Red Stylo. You know I had to get Shaun to talk about City Of Walls and the Red Stylo collective for the camera, check out the interview!
About City Of Walls:
Welcome to KOWLOON!
Welcome to the prison-like city of Kowloon. A cluster of conjoined
buildings run by gangs. Where the ability of an individual to hope is
non-existent. Daniel, Jin, and Ariana are three kids who defy this
life sentence. They intend to escape and are willing to go to extreme
measures to do so. Since escape on foot is impossible, their quest
leads them to the sky.~CityOf Walls
About Red Stylo:
RED STYLO MEDIA (RSM) is an independent comics publisher, founded in 2008 by writer, Enrica Jang. We began with a successful Kickstarter campaign for Enrica’s first series, AZTECA, and continue to produce and publish original comic series and graphic novels.