
Subrosa: The Noster – S BMX Frame Is Dope!

Subrosa noster s frame white

With a market full of look alike, generic, boring looking BMX street, park and trail bikes it’s always great to see a manufacturer add a little flavor to their design. The Subrosa Simon Barraco signature frame “The Noster-S” is just the type of flavor we’re talking about. The frame comes in your pick of either a black or white colorway but the flavor on this frame that makes it stick out from the pack is the sticker bomb decal on the downtube. The sticker bomb gives the frame a little “art piece” steeze to it and it makes you want to take a closer look at the bike.

“Simone ran a ton of stickers on his down tube last year, and loved the look, and Subrosa Graphics Artist Jason nailed the same look with Subrosa logos and a ton of Simone influenced pieces hidden in this giant frame sticker bomb. Simone also wanted to go back to Satin White that Subrosa used to make, and it looks so good!” ~ Subrosa

Pretty cool!!
For more info on The Noster S Visit


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