This is one of my favorite parodies! “LIMP” is a parody of 50 Cents song “PIMP”, the song is about a guy that has a limp wee wee lol!!! Now that’s a topic that rappers never talk about, being limp lol! Here’s a little info that not too many people know about; Now I use to do stand in work during rehearsals for the MTV Music Awards when they were in NY. I think is was the 2003 MTV Awards when I had to stand in for Snoop Dogg and do his part in the “PIMP” remix performance. So here I am on stage with the whole G-Unit, performing “PIMP” lol!! Lucky the my mic was off because the only lyric that I knew from the song were my own parody lyrics LOL! Anyways I tried to get a copy of that rehersal on tape because MTV records all the rehersal footage but one of the guys in the production truck fronted on me. So if your reading this and you work at MTV can you send me copy of that rehersal footage from the 2003 MTV awards?? Holla!
in AL PARODIES, Featured