
Go All Day: The Morning Episode-Nigel Sylvester and Gatorade(BMX)

I really Like this series that their doing, this is part two.

“You’ve seen how Nigel Sylvester’s day ended; now see how it began. The second video in Nigel’s Go All Day series goes back in time to show how the day started like any other day: rise and shine, then out the door to hit up his favorite city spots with friends.

This unique three part video series was conceptualized and written by Nigel and Glenn PP Milligan, with support from Gatorade. Shout out to Nigel’s brother Adrian Sylvester, as well as two young NYC riders Ikeem and Jose for their appearances in the video. Music provided by Donnis.

The story finally unfolds in video three of Nigel’s Go All Day series, to be released soon…”-GatoradeBMX


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