
Comic Book Inker Dexter Vines

Dexter Vines, comic book inker

I caught up with veteran comic book inker Dexter Vines in artist ally at the 2011 New York Comic Con! Dexter has been coming to the New York Comic Con since it started so I asked him what he though about this years con plus Dexter told me about some of the other projects he’s working on. And of course Dexter showed me some of his work which was off the chain, check out the clip!
Dexter Vines, comic book inkerDexter Vines Wiki facts: “Vines has worked on a multitude of titles for both Marvel and DC. Some titles include Marvel’s big 2007 summer event Civil War, Tangent Comics Power Girl, Superman/Batman, JLA Classified (all with McGuiness), and Wolverine.”

Check out more of our interviews from the NY Comic Con on our Anigamicom page


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