I wasn’t really feeling the first G.I. Joe movie but this one looks promising..well at least the trailer does lol. It looks like Marlin Waynes is out in this one but we got Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson playing Road Block and Bruce Willis as Joe Colton(The Joe in G.I. Joe). The RZA has a part in this one too, he plays Blind Master and Channing Tatum is back as Duke. Weather it’s good or bad I’m gonna go see it but is it worth seeing in the Movies, VOD, cable or rent the DVD from the $1 Blockbuster Kiosk at Duane Reade..we’ll soon find out. Oh yeah Bootlegging is never an option for me. Oh and I always thought that Cobra was taking over so the plot does look far fetched at all..real talk lol!! AND WHERE’S DESTRO?!?!?!?!
in ART
New G.I. Joe Retaliation Trailer