A few weeks ago the weather was pretty nice and I found time to take a quick bike ride between editing footage. I strapped my GoPro to my head and went for a ride around Central park. In this clip I started on 135th street and rode to the entrance to the park on 110th then I rode all the way to 59th street Columbus Circle to grab a quick drink. It was a tough ride because I’ve been pretty inactive over the winter, I can usually hand with the roads for a while when I’m in better shape but as you can see in this video I was getting passed left and right lol. Ofcourse you can see I sped up the video, it takes about 20mins on a good day to do this part of the ride. If you can’t tell I’m riding my 20″ BMX bike with a 44/16 gear ratio, not the greatest gear ratio for keeping up with roadies lol, there’s a lotta pedaling going on lol!
All the music in the video was produced by me too, the first song by Shani Kulture(My apologies for the typo in the video) is not available for download yet but the other two songs can be found on my latest mixtape with Napoleon Da legend called The Sugar Caye Experiment Vol#1:Napoleon Da legend. Check it out at SugarCayne.Bandcamp.com
Al’s Ride From 135th Around Central Park Part#1