The amazingly talented N.Steven Harris just posted his finished Cover of Ajala Book 2 comic which goes on sale on sale May 19th. He’ll be at ECBACC and Wizard World Philly Comic Con where you can pick up a copy. The story and art in this comic is top notch so you should pick up a copy 4sho!
Ajala Storm has a lot of friends and was just until a few weeks ago the most popular girl in middle school, a normal girl, just a little smarter than most and a bit of a tomboy. Ajala would be completely normal if she wasn’t a Junior Agent for the C.S.C., being educated and trained to protect Harlem from various insidious groups looking to corrupt our youth and destroy our ways of life. Unbeknownst to most, there are dangers and adventures in the shadows of Harlem…
Open your minds to a new world of action and enlightenment as Ajala discovers a secret society that has been protecting and
educating their people for over 70 decades…Welcome to the world of:AJALA and Her Series of Adventures…” ~NSWorks