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BMX: Redline Cup At CNY (243)

Me and Nigel took a trip up to Bridgwater NY to race, film and take pictures at the CNY Redline Cup. The track was running nice but it was wearing me out during practice…but that’s what happens when your running on only 3 hours of sleep lol! The races were set to start at 10:30am because there was rain in the forecast, unfortunately the rain came  early and they stopped the races before the first round ended. We tried to hold out but the rain wan’t trying to stop so after about almost 2 hours we packed up and bounced. On our way home about 1 mile south of the track the streets were bone dry and the Sun was even shinning in some spots….lol!

In the gallery below I got a bunch of shots of the track and the cool pump track, I also took pictures of the first round of motos till they stopped. enjoy!

[nggallery id=38]


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