I got a hook up with a dope Ford Mustang convertible upgrade from Dollar Car Rental when I went down to the A3C HipHop Festival so you know I had to film some episodes of Spittin In Da Wip! In this episode I got South Carolina emcee Likwuid to be the first emcee to ever spit in a convertible wip on Spitttin In Da Wip. Make sure you rate this video, all Likwuid needs is 30 unique vistor to rate her episode in order for it to be eligible to appear on the Spittin In Da WIp Top 50 MC’s Charts.
Big shout out to Napoleon Da Legend @NapoleonDaLegend, C.Truth @ThermalSoundWav and Spinny B for helping with this episode!
@Likwuid Spittin In A Convertible On Spittin In Da Wip