I know all you gamers who also ride BMX or BMXer who love gaming were all wondering, What if Mario And Luigi(The Super Mario Brothers) rode BMX? Well the folks at RideOnBMX put together a cool video that answers that question lol! BMX Cosplayers Garreth Hadfield playing Mario, Steve Lyons as Luigi and Jack Birtles as Toadie really get into character with their outfits and what good is a Mario Brothers video without Goomba and Coins….word they got em lol! Not only did they have the coins they also had all the classic sound fx’s from the game! It a pretty funny video with some real dope riding and even a few tumbling acrobatics thrown in and what would a 80’s themed edit be without the classic 80’s hit “Maniac” by Michael Sembello playing in the soundtrack
What If The Super Mario Brothers Rode BMX?