Dope emcee and #SpittinInDaWip Alumni Likwuid came through to the Black Comic Book Festival at the Schomberg in Harlem to check out the dope indie comics on display and learn more about the craft. It was cool to see her there so you know I had to get an interview! During the interview I saw Kenly Dillard and asked him to do one of his signature super quick sketches of Likwuid while we finish our interview, you Kenly delivered that illustration dopeness 4sho! This is what it’s all about to me and SugarCayne/CAC-TV movement, bridging the gap between to amazing art forms, HipHop and Comics, it was really dope to make that happen in this interview!
in Illustrators
Likwuid (@Likwuid) Gets An Interview And Sketch Done Of Her At The Black Comic Book Fest