My dude Rookie sent me this funny ass Underground HipHop comedy song called “Uuuuugghh”!! Rookie is in a new group called The O’l Days and their dropping some dope witty Underground HipHop joints 4sho! Peep the description below:
In the Eve of the nation’s zombie epidemic The O’l Days rap group took it upon themselves to document their bad experiences with ugly women in song. The only downside is that the music video seems to get taken over by the zombies themselves! Coming from their album 1979 (coming soon) the Mr. Dibia$e laced beat gives for the perfect tool for the foolery that ensues between these gentlemen. Comedy and or hip hop will never be the same!!!
Directed: Rookie Chi
Beat By Mr. Dibia$e
Lyrics Written By Rookie Chi & Ki’ of NC
Mixing and Mastering By Leland “LP” Philpot
Additional Scratches By Ki’ of NC
Art Work & Logo Provided By BlueSunRa
Photography Provided By Rookie ChiCAST:
Ki Of NC————————————–-himselfZOMBIES:
Nicold Pittman
Julia Papillon
Déja K. TaylorMAKE-UP:
Déja K. Taylor
Rachael Ann Burroughs