Here’s the latest promo pic for the comic book character “Indigo” illustrated by Keithan Jones. The promo is for the forthcoming “Indigo: Paradise Lost” dropping this Summer! The illustration looks so dope and the story behind the Indigo character’s creation is dope as well, check out what Indigo creator and writer URAEUS had to say:
“This project is owed to two factors responsible for weaving the intricate web of development and personality that would ultimately evolve into the character known as Indigo. The first factor was a bit of trivia that I stumbled across randomly while web-surfing. It stated that, two-thirds of the world’s greatest assassins were women. This piece of information floored me; not because I had any doubts that a woman could successfully pull of such things; but because I had not, up until that time, realized the obvious truth; that a beautiful woman makes the perfect assassin.
The second factor came in the guise of two stunningly beautiful African models who are presently squashing outdated notions of beauty on high fashion runways throughout the world; Alek Wek of Sudan, and Ajuma Nasenyana of Kenya. With their dark skin, natural hair, innate elegance, grace, and strength, these sistas provided the perfect visual inspiration to give physical form to Indigo.
This project is a tribute to the indomitable strength, courage, and tenacity exemplified by warrior women such as Nzinga, Harriet Tubman, Yaa Asantewa, Hatshepsut, and an entire pantheon of historical heroines of color.”
I’m loving the concept and can’t wait to see the finished project this Summer!
in ART
The Latest Promo Pic Of “Indigo” Is So Dope! #Comics