
King RA (@RealKingRA) – College Dropout – Real #HipHop

King RA, College Dropout

#SpittinInDaWip alumni King RA just dropped some new visual today for his single “College Dropout” directed by Serringe of Element Tree. That raw beat is produced Red Ang and King RA’s bars and flow ride the beat nice 4sho! Peep the official description below:

King RA gives fans a taste of what is to come when he drops Foot On They Necks V2 (Thee Album) later this summer or early fall. For “College Dropout” he rocks his gritty, truth filled rhymes over the soulful production of Belgium producer Red Ang. The track finds King RA letting everyone know he is capable of, and will, do it himself no matter how hard it gets.

King RA, College Dropout


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