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So Marvel #Comics Throws Minorities And Women A Bone With Mighty Avengers


It was good to hear today that after all these years Marvel Comics is releasing a comic book series featuring mostly minority and women characters! The relaunch of The Mighty Avengers which is written by Al Ewing with art from Greg Land will feature a team led by Luke Cage, with Falcon, White Tiger, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Blue Marvel, Monica Rambeau (now named Spectrum), a new Ronin, and the new Power Man as members. That’s a whole lotta color for a Marvel title lol! Now this is a good thing but it’s also like “Whatever” in my opinion for a few reasons. For starters ever since I started covering the indie comic book scene with CAC-TV I’ve been exposed to plenty of comics books that feature some amazing characters of color that were created by some very talent illustrators, writers, inkers and publishers of color so for me the release of the new Mighty Avengers is cool but I’m not bouncing off the walls. Then the question for me that gets raised is “Are there any people of color involved with the creation of this comic?”….you know things like that.
I also read this good and revealing article about this new Mighty Avengers comic on about how the Executive Editor Tom Brevoort…..

who in the past has gone on record as describing the idea of an Avengers team comprised of all or mostly black characters as being “contrived,” but now says, “people who are interested in these characters and want to see heroes that reflect them have a genuine point.”

It later goes on to talk about

Marvel has still not hired a black writer since Reginald Hudlin left Black Panther in 2009

Anyways like I said in the title Marvel is throwing us a bone not to mention the variant edition covers look twice as good as the main cover…
mighty avengers variant cover

……and none of them would look as good as a Mshindo Kuumba drawn Mighty Avengers Cover…..and yes he’s a person of color ;). Anyways with all that said I hope this brings more attention to comics like these and people start to discover and support some of the other great indie comics featuring minorities and women that have been doing it for years.
-I have now stepped off my soap box, back to your regularly scheduled program lol 😉
You can also find out more in-depth info about the Mighty Avengers Comic on


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narubi selah, sa-roc, what am i doing here


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