
A Sneak Peek At Brooklyn Bike Park Pump Track Construction

Brooklyn Bike Park

I recently found out about the bike park that’s getting built in Williamsburg Brooklyn located on south 4th street and Kent ave. BMX Legend and MTB/BMX Advocate Jim Deleville designed the bike park and is working super hard everyday to get it finished. If your a NYC BMX/MTB rider or if your a non rider that wants to help out come to the spot, they need all the help they can get. Jim is there all day and he’s doing it for all ya’ll NYC riders! Peep the plans


Brooklyn Bike Park construction plans


Here’s a section of the press release:

Two Trees Management Company today announced the creative community uses that will open to the public by the end of May on Site E of the Domino Sugar property. What is currently a vacant 55,000-‐square-‐foot lot on Kent Avenue between South 3rd and South 4th Streets will be transformed by two independent operators into a neighborhood destination with a community farm, bilingual reading room, community green space, family-‐friendly bike courses, affordable food and goods from local vendors and a variety of seasonal programming, including kids days, yoga classes, and hands-‐on urban farming classes.

You can check out the Full Press Release HERE

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