In Apple’s quest for sucking everyone into their Matrix…Oh wait that’s not true in this case….In Apple’s quest to passively suck everyone into their Matrix…..wait..that doesn’t sound right either. The creative team of Rolocule created a really dope gaming console by simply using and AppleTV and an Iphone for their new video game app called Motion Tennis! So the concept is the same as having a Nintendo Wii with the Apple TV being the console and the Apple Iphone being the remote. What’s really cool about Motion Tennis in particular is it’s a more extensive game than the Wii Sports one with a lot better looking graphics too. I’m not a Apple fan but this is the second time this week that I’ve seen product that makes me wanna get one. Peep the video below
So at the end of the day Apple IS trying to suck everyone into their Matrix, passively and deliberately and they almost got me again!
Apple Is Getting Into Gaming With MOTION TENNIS For Apple TV