During the JBC 4X Revelations race, MTB rider Michal Marosi had a horrible and amazing race all at one time lol! To start he came out the gate flying, in 1st place and wound up over clearing a set of doubles, landed sideways and slammed. His bike slid in between the next set of doubles but he was able to hop back on his bike but now he was in last. Michal was crazy fa behind the two guys ahead of him but somehow managed to get his speed on through the wooded area, he also to the next right turn real wide which set him up to hit the next turn which was this huge wall ride. He cam outta nowhere and rode that wall ride dumb high, past the two other riders and left them in the dust, it was pretty sick! 4x is so much fun to watch, we need our BMX tracks to look more like these 4sho!
in Bike Life
#MTB: JBC (@JBCbikepark) 4x Revelations, Sick Wall Ride During Race