While I was filming my recent episodes of #SpittinInDaWip with Pittsburgh PA emcee’s True Stacks and Mister Jones (E.T.) we all kicked it about BMX and The Wheel Mill bike park. They were telling me how they’re getting into BMX and trying it out since the new bike park opened up around their way. so after we finished filming their Spittin IN Da Wip episodes you already know I had to do an official interview with them about BMX! I’m always looking for HipHop heads that are into BMX and comics that’s what were all about on SugarCayne.com
Big shout out to my dude Matt Sedlak for rocking the camera and my boy Anthony Jefferson of Mark Anthony Hair Salon for sponsoring this episode.
True Stacks (@TrueyStacks) And Mister Jones Talk About #BMX And Wheel Mill Bike Park