DMX got a big interview with Dr. Phil which went over a whole lot better than that interview with Iyanla on “Fix My Life”. I’m always interested when DMX gets interviewed and he was really on point with his interview with Dr. Phil. One of the most revealing things that I didn’t even think about was the fact that since DMX owes so much money in back taxes, he got his licence and passport taken away from him which makes things really complicated for him to try and make money. We all know that X could make a killing in shows overseas and get back on track financially. The other thing I didn’t think about was when he pointed out that the tax and child support he owes is based off a time when he was making multi millions a year and we all know that’s just not the case anymore. He talks about a bunch of other stuff in this video it was a good interview 4sho! I definitely have to see the unedited version.
Dr Phil Does A Great Interview With DMX