This new limited edition called “Kokio’s courier Service” by the super talented Huck Gee is so dope! There are only 10 pieces made and their probably gone already! Huck Gee makes some really cool stuff and this “Kikio’s Courier Sevice ” toy is no exception. Below is the official description of “Kokio’s Courier Service”
“When you need speed, skills, discretion and the best simply isn’t good enough. When your job requires a minimum of questions, had to be there yesterday and your life may or may not be riding upon that fact. When you need a bad ass motherfucking wasteland rat wearing giant pink bunny ears waving around a samurai sword in a bagged all wheel drive desert buggy… you call Kokio’s Delivery Service.
Kokio will personally meet you in a ramshackle wasteland tavern to discuss any necessary details over the establishment’s din of whores, bikers and a piano player. She will then ask no impertinent questions and will offer her 100% satisfaction guaranteed delivery to the time and place of your choosing. She will carefully pack your fragile contents into an Albatross Secure Seal Caseâ„¢ and strap it into her air stabilized Desert Rat 1200. And if you are at all concerned about the Northern Wastes most notorious motorcycle gang that you pissed off back in Old Hoots Crossing getting a hint that this delivery is in fact one of the last remaining copies of ‘Hell On Wheels’ season 3? Well Kokio can take care of that too.”