Yesterday was the first Sugar Cayne Bike Fest event and it was so much fun. I had really great time putting on this event and I want to thank everyone that came out ! The Sugar Cayne Bike Fest couldn’t have been possible without the help from the Cote and Gruber family, it was awesome working with them on this event and I especially want to thank Don Cote and Mike Gruber for giving me the opportunity to use the amazing Tumbull T.R.A.C.K. facility. I also have to give a big thank you to all the sponsors who supported the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest; Skyway, Hyper Bicycles, Base Brooklyn, Strider, Cult, Launch Mode, Atlantic Records, King Of New York, CCH Racing, Snafu and Pedal Sock , I can’t thank you enough for all the great products, they were a hit! I also have to give a big thank you to my boy MC Whiteowl who brought all his DJ equipment and spun some great tunes all day, even when the rain started coming down.
So at the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest I was doing a lot of running around and announcing so I wasn’t able to do my usual thing and take a lot of pictures and video lol! But my boy Danny Parks helped me out a ton with taking photos and my boy Remo Dyson was taking care of all the video, thank you guys so much for helping me out with that! This was also my first time announcing/hosting at an event but I also got some help with the announcing by two great guys Lou Mota and Dan Clifford, you guys were awesome, thank you so much!! Below are all my pictures from the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest video coming soon!
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