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GQ (@GQMagazine) Rapper Of The Year, Kendrick Lamar Does Freestyle

kendrick lamer, gq rapper of the year

#SpittinInDaWip Alumni Kendrick Lamar has made real major moves since his appearance on Spittin In Da Wip back in 2009 and now he’s landed on the 2013 GQ Magazine men of the year list! Kendrick is the 2013 Rapper Of The Year and deservedly so, he’s the only real emcee that’s made it through to the big leagues in a while and I have to congratulate Kendrick on a job well done and continued success. And I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out how that on line about NY caused such a frenzy but it was a definite win for K-dot, that was all anyone could talk about for a few months. Now you already know we have to find a way to get Kendrick back on Spittin In Da Wip, that would not only bring things full circle but it would be EPIC!!

Our December cover star shows off his flow for the camera on the set of his 2013 GQ Men of the Year photo shoot.

kendrick lamer, gq rapper of the year


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