Back in September I made it out to the Boondock Trails in Long Island and saw my boy Ray there. I didn’t have my bike but you know I had my camera so I took some flix. There were other cool riders at the spot and one of them(forgive me for forgetting his name) let me ride his MTB bike. It was my first time riding a MTB bike at the trails and I was loving it! It felt like I was on a 20″. Anyways I digress, this post is all about my dude Ray with his photo of the day lol. At the Boonies they have this huge dirt quarter pipe and Ray was boosting off it. I was in the right spot to catch a shot of this dope tobaggan he did! Check out more pictures from Boondocks below!
Photos Of The Day: Ray Toboggan On Dirt Quarter At Boondocks Trails