When I was down at the A3C Festival I got to link up with HipNott recording artist Spectac And Amiri to get on Spittin In Da Wip! Make sure you rate this episode after you watch it. All Spectac And Amiri need are 30 unique visitors to rate this episode in order for them to be eligible to be on the Spittin In Da Wip top 50 emcees list! Big shout out to my dudes Spinny B(@Spinwize), John O(@JustJohnOllie) and Priest Forever(@PriestForever) for holing me down on this episode! Stay tuned for more!
Watch and rate all the Spittin In Da Wip episodes HERE
Watch And Rate Spectac and Amiri (@spectacamiri) On #SpittinInDaWip