
Tiana (@verdejo_tiana) From Clips Clothing Company at @A3C

crazy al cayne, clips clothing company

Tiana of Clips Clothing Company was down at the A3C HipHop Festival promoting her company, networking and enjoying the great vibes of the event. My dude Napleonn Da Legend told me she was in town and that we should link up for an interview and the rest is history 🙂 We talked about Clip Clothing company and I check out some of the shirts she had left which looked dope! We also talked about the overall A3C experience.
Below is the official description of Clips Clothing Company:

Clips Clothing Co was founded in honor of the personal style and art of David Sevilla. Better known as DJClips, Sevilla was a grafitti artist and DJ from lower east side Manhattan. After his passing in 2007, a few close friends collaborated to create a brand that would not only salute his memory but bring new appealing designs to the masses.

Clips Clothing C.o commenced in 2013 with a vision of creating the highest quality apparel and eye-catching design. The company’s primary focus at the moment is custom designed shirts and accessories.

Clips represents loyalty, friendship, and motivation. It embodies the essence of hip hop culture through graphic expression of style and individuality. Rather than follow the crowd, Clips Clothing Co. looks to be a trend setter in the apparel market. It is an inspiration for others to follow their passions and ambitions, and strive for more out of life, persisting through the everyday struggle.

clips clothing company

tiana clips clothing company

crazy al cayne, clips clothing company

crazy al cayne, tiana clips clothing company


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