
Alex Teplish Talks About His Graph Novel “In The Beginning”

Writer Alex Teplish had an awesome booth setup at the New York Comic Con to promote his graphic novel “In The Beginning: The Epic Of The Anunnaki”! “In The Beginning” is an amazing graphic novel that based on the Ancient Astronaut Theories…..
in the beginning 1, alex teplish

Ancient Legends, myths, and religions from around the world have spoken of gods and angels, not always in the spiritual sense, but actual flesh and blood beings interacting with mankind. Many of these ancient cultures had vast knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, attributing their knowledge as being handed down from the gods. Who were these god-like beings, known to one of the oldest civilizations, the Sumerians, as the Anunnaki? This two-part story starts with an amazing discovery in the present day that takes us back hundreds of thousands of years. Follow the Anunnaki on their ancient astronaut journey From Nibiru to Earth and their interactions with humanity’s genesis.

in our interview Alex tells us more about about the graphic novel and he tells us how he designed his booth.
in the beginning 2
Check out the promo trailer below:


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