“Out On Bail” is a Christmas parody I did years ago and reincarnated a few time musically to kinda fit the music trend in HipHop/Rap. It was for my 5th HipHop parody Mixtape called “Ghetto Christmas Carols” where I took a bunch a classic Christmas songs and flipped them into HipHop comedy holiday jingles. The song is all about a snitch that struck a deal with the Feds so he could be home for Christmas. I even spit some bars in this one..no ghost writers lol! I made the beat too!
Since I don’t have any of my Christmas parodies on Soundcloud I thought I start putting them up.
Check out more of my parodies at www.sugarcayne.com/free-parody-downloads/
Stay tuned for more Ghetto Christmas Carols leaks coming soon!