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Tha Gecko Brothas (@thageckobrothas) – La La La – Dir. Crazy Al Cayne

Gecko Brothas LaLaLa (37)

#TeamEverythang members and #SpittinInDaWip alumni’s John O and Priest Forever AKA Tha Gecko Brothas commissioned me to direct and edit their latest video for “La La La”. As soon as I heard the song and the idea they had for the video I got excited to work on this project. The beat is nicely crafted by Priest Forever and I’m loving that sample he used, it’s one of those beats you can vibe out to all day. And Tha Gecko Brothas held it down with the bars, this one is for that ladies 4sho. If you know HipHop like you’re suppose to, you should already see what classic HipHop video we were paying homage to. Leave a comment below when you figured it out 🙂

After consistently putting out solid music and proving themselves to be one of the best Hip Hop performance acts on the New York City underground circuit, Tha Gecko Brothas are back with their new single “La La La” from the forthcoming album “We Are Tha Gecko Brothas”. This is authentic, fundamental, progressive Hip Hop at its best. Join their mailing list now at and purchase “La La La” on iTunes, Bandcamp and wherever fine music is sold #staygecko ~Tha Gecko Brothas

Download “La La La” Here
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