My boy Curtis Jackson had a flier for a flatland jam on his Facebook Wall called Winter Jam at this spot called Mill Street Blues up in Massachusetts. So I linked up with DJ Thoro and took a trip there to check it out! I haven’t covered any flatland jams since the last King Of New York  so I was long overdue to get my own flatland content. Winter Jam 4 was a really cool event with a really great group of people riding and reminiscing about BMX. The Flatland session was an awesome showcase of Flatland BMX from a generational view as there were riders that represented the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s style of riding.
They had a cool vintage bike show/contest called Show N Shine, a DJ (Who was also nice at flatland) and two live bands. Now my flatland bag of tricks are very limited but you know I can’t miss an opportunity to enjoy riding my bike so I was out there on the floor having fun. I’m definitely gonna put this event on my annual list of events to attend/cover. Below is my gallery of photos from the event, I got a few decent action shots but I must admit I was doing a little more riding than filming….I can’t help it 🙂
Winter Jam 4, Indoor BMX Flatland Jam (213 Photos)