I’m loving the way this cafe racer inspired fixed gear commuter bike by Indrek Narusk looks. The bike is called Viks and it’s made entirely from stainless steel tubes. All the crowns, dropouts and weldments are made from the same grade steel. There is no seat tube. Two identically shaped tube frames run alongside the entire frame and they’re joined at the head tube, seat tube and bottom bracket. The fork and handle bar is all in one piece giving it a really unique look.

Viks was born in a small cafe, on a late autumn afternoon in 2012. I (Indrek Narusk – cyclist, engineer, owner of Velonia bicycles) wanted a new commuter bicycle, but didn’t want to buy one from the shop. So the option was to build one. Not a boring one. Something different. The images of cafe racer style motorcycles and minimalist classic lines started spinning in my head and soon there was a pretty clear idea, what I wanted.
Some sketching, hours spent on modeling in 3D, and I was ready to start the build. Once the steel tubes arrived, it only took couple of weeks and the bike was ready. I was happy. I wanted to share my happiness. And as it turned out, other people liked it as well. They liked it so much that now I am manufacturing Viks bicycles in Estonia and sending them all over the world.
Why it’s called Viks? Well in estonian “viks” means classy, gentlemanlike and at the same time it sounds “fixed”, like fixed gear…