
“Never Too Old To Ride” T-Shirt, Damion Hickman Design

never too old to ride

never too old to ride
Damion Hickman Design (@Damionhickman) has been coming out with some really cool BMX themed T-Shrits and this “Never Too Old To Ride” Tee is his latest and we love it! What BMXer over the age of 25 can’t relate to this shirt especially all my 40& Over brethren that still get busy at the track, trails, street and parks! Damion sent me this photo and I instantly was digging this one!

Most of our shirt designs have some sort of humor aspect to them but this one was inspired by a lot of people I know that have either picked up the bmx bug again or some who never stopped riding to begin with. It’s inspiring to me to see the older crowd of riders out there reliving their days of youth. We’re planning on releasing a few more bmx related designs this year ~Damion Hickman.

Besides making dope BMX T-Shirts Damion does Web design, advertising and whole host of other things. Check him out on his Official website.


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ross sinclair

Ross Sinclair (@sossrinclair) – SNOT ROCKET – #UKHipHop


Toys: Weed Bear,Polar Bear edition, Task One (@taskoner)