My dude JwIII share this awesome illustration from the PUNX of RAGE comic via Facebook. He knew I would like it because it has some BMX flavor in it and indeed I do! The image is of The Jawbreakers and Rumble getting Busy using their skateboards and BMX bike as weapons. It’s pretty cool to see BMX getting some comic book shine!
PUNXofRAGE created by Joe Currie of Strictly Underground Comics
Lines:Stanley Weaver
Colors: Ander Zarate
PUNXofRAGE takes place in Rage city, somewhat of a fictional version of Chicago, but with criminality at every turn, and the underworld bigwigs making the rules. Main character Dodger, who patrols the city to fight this violence, sparked a resistance with a group of rebels called the PUNXofRAGE.