With the eminent Drone War coming in the near future (George Lucas and Spielberg were right) not only will it be important to own a gun it will be equally if not more important to own a drone, preferably one with a camera and weapons 😉 Well you know us civilians won’t be getting our hands on any drones with weapons any time soon but the folks at Parrot made the next best thing. The Parrot Bebop Drone!! It’s everything you want in a drone (except for the weapons). It already comes with it’s own built in camera so no need to buy a action sports camera after you get it. It does video and stills via a 14MP camera with a 180º fisheye lens and 3-axis stabilization for a steady angle of view (When your spying on your neighbors lol). And best of all it’s got it’s own WiFi network so all you need is a tablet or smart phone to get it poppin with this bad boy!!
For more on this and other cool drones visit Parrot.com