
Bike Expo New York (@bikenewyork) GoldSprints Highlights

I’ve always wanted to go to a Goldsprint event and during this year’s Bike Expo New York I got to witness my first live Goldsprint competition. I got some video footage from the event and took a few photos but what I really wanted to do was compete in a race. It was fun to watch and the audience was really getting into it. I would love to add this type of competition to the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest 4sho!

Two to four particpants battle out a pre-defined distance on bicycle rollers connected to a digital timing system at speeds in excess of 60mph or 97kph in front of a cheering crowd, pounding music and a heckling MC. Some take it seriously, others do it just for fun.
Goldsprints Roller Racing is the only cycling event where spectators can see the start to finish live without moving their head — perfect for winter time in bars, bike shops, or anywhere else that wants a

Bike New York Goldsprint (1) Bike New York Goldsprint (2) Bike New York Goldsprint (3) Bike New York Goldsprint (4) Bike New York Goldsprint (5) Bike New York Goldsprint (6) Bike New York Goldsprint (7) Bike New York Goldsprint (8) Bike New York Goldsprint (9) Bike New York Goldsprint (10) Bike New York Goldsprint (11) Bike New York Goldsprint (12) Bike New York Goldsprint (13) Bike New York Goldsprint (14) Bike New York Goldsprint (15)


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