
Sugar Cayne Bike Fest, Bike Relay Race Demo

Bike Relay

As you may or may not know we added a bunch of new competitions for the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest Tour. One of those changes that I’m really excited about is the addition of the Bike Relay Race! he idea of doing a relay race came from a conversation I had with Matthew Mihlbachler on Facebook. As soon as he mentioned it it hit me like an epiphany and I started to brainstorm on it. So in order to get ya’ll ready for the first Sugar Cayne Bike Fest Relay Race I decided to make a little preview video 🙂
Bike Relay Rules:

  1. You need 4 riders to make a team
  2. The team needs to be made up of one 5-10 year old, one 11-15 year old, one 16-29 year old and one 30 year old or older. (You can make your team on the day of the event)
  3. Each team must have one 20″, 24″, MTB(26″ or bigger) and a Cyclocross or Fat Bike (If there’s no Cyclocross or Fat Bike Available the team will have to use another 5-10 year old to qualify to race)
  4. Teams get to choose the order of riders to compete
  5. Only 4 teams can compete in a moto, if there are more than 4 teams competing we’ll use the transfer system. 1 moto transfer and a main. Only 4 teams will make it to the main
  6. Teams start in their lane in the staging area. Each lane is numbered. Once the race starts the first rider to go has to open and close the chain in their lane and goto the starting gate
  7. Rider need to go to the same gate number as their staging lane.
  8. Once the first bikes front tire touches the starting gate, the starting cadence will begin and the gate will drop. The gate will not come back up until all riders have gone through.
  9. Once the riders get back around the they must dismount their bike before entering the staging area, run up to the next rider on their team and tap them.
  10. By then the starting gate will be up and which ever team is first to the starting gate will get the starting cadence and the gate will drop again
  11. If a team gets lapped they get disqualified and have to stop racing.
  12. Which ever team finishes first wins

Check out more of the competition at the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest HERE
Bike Relay


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