Stop #3 of the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest Tour is happening July 19th at Hampton BMX in Hampton Virginia
Pre Register at this link starting July 11th
You can do one competition for $15 or do as many competitions as you want for $30. (Save money by pre registering)
$30 also covers any bike you would like to compete with, so bring em all and use a different one for each competition!
Fat-Bike Race
If you have a Fat Bike and want to race other Fat Bike riders on a BMX track, this is the event for you.
Stider/Balance Bike Race
If you have a Strider or balance bike we have a race for you!
Mens Cyclocross Challenge
Riders will do 5 laps around the track backwards starting from the finish line. Whoever comes in first at the end of therace wins. There will be obstacles put on the corse in true Cyclocross style. Cyclocross, BMX(All Sizes), MTB, Trial, Single speed, Fixed Gear can all enter this event. Limited to 25
Womens Cyclocross Challenge
Riders do 5 laps around the track backwards starting from the finish line who ever comes in first at the end of the race wins. There will be obstacles in true Cyclocross style.Cyclocross, BMX(All Sizes), MTB, Trial, Single speed, Fixed Gear can all enter this event. Limited to 25 riders
Fastest Gate
Who can reach the 30 yard line the fastest? Come out the gate and pedal as fast as you can to the 30 yard line. Time is tracked by an electric timer. Any bike type can enter this competition (No Fixed Gears).
High Jump Comp
Highest jump wins. If you hit the height pole you get eliminated. The competitions are seperated into BMX/MTB, Cyclocross/Road Bike, Fat Bike Only, Fixed Gear Only and Women categories. We’ll give the riders a 5 min practice.
First Straight Style
This competition is for the more advanced riders. Who has the best style on the first straight? Is jumping more stylish? Maybe you can manual the whole first straigtht. Maybe you can just make jumping all the jumps on the first straight look so easy. It doesn’t matter how you approach it as long as you do it with style! Whoever does the best line with the best style wins!
Last Straight Dash
Riders compete in a head to head sprint/pump down the last straight in an eliminator competition. Whoever beats out all opponents wins! Any bike type can be used in this event. No Fixied Gears
Long Jump
Riders sprint/pump down the last straight and launch off the very last lip to see how far they can go. Whoever goes the farthest wins. Any bike type can joint this competition. No Fixed Gears
MTB Vs Cruisers and Fat Bike Races
This race will be run with a 1 moto transfer/ 2 Lap Main. If there are 8 riders or less in a class, everyone goes straight to the 2 lap main.
Bike Relay Race
-This unique race is a team relay. All you have to do to make a team is to find some other riders at the event who want to be on your team then sign up.
-Each team must have 1 MTB, 1 BMX, 1 BMX Cruiser(24″) and 1 Cyclocross or Fat Bike and a total of 4 riders (Men/Women). There also has to be one 5-9 year old, one 10-15 year old, one 16-29 year old and one 30 year old or older on your team in order to enter this race. It’s up to the team to decide which rider/bike will go first.
-Riders will line up in their assigned lane in the order they want to race. The first team member will be on the gate.
-Once the gate drops the first competitors race around the track until they get to the end of the gate on the last straight where they will dismount their bikes and run to the starting hill and tap their next team mate who will be waiting in the assigned lane.
-Once the next rider is tapped the can mount their bike on the starting gate and the gate will drop again. the gate will stay open until all the rider have gone through. This will repeat until the last rider in the team is tapped.
-Which ever team passes the finish line first or laps all the other teams wins the race or moves on to the next round.
– Only 4 teams can compete per moto and only 4 teams can make it to the main.
NOTE: Helmets, long sleeve shirt or T-shirt with elbow pads. Pants or shorts with knee/shin pads must be worn for all competitions
For more info please visit. http://