Mark Encinias, Brand Manager for the legendary Vision Street Wear came back with his crew to NYC for the July edition of The Agenda Show! This time Vision had a big booth with a lot of new goodies for 2014/2015 season. I got to kick it with Mark about some of VSW’s new collaborations and popup shops plus he showed me some of the new kicks, hats and accessories he had on display at the event. Also if you didn’t already know, Vision Street Wear is one of our amazing sponsors for the the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest!! We’ll be giving out a lot of cool VSW prizes at our next stop at CNYBMX August 23rd so be there!!
The gallery below has photos from Vision Street Wear at Agenda and the Ewok event at Wallplay.
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Vision Street Wear At Agenda Show NYC (@VisionStWear)