I got to meet in person the man behind the awesome PlusSizeBMX and OldGuysWhoRide websites, Chris C Olivier at his Outlaws Of Dirt jam at 5050 Skatepark recently! You know I couldn’t let him leave New York without doing an interview with me lol. In the video Chris talks about the origins of Outlaws Of Dirt, PSBMX and Old Guys Who Ride. He also talks about and gives props our Sugar Cayne Bike Fest Event. Chris is an awesome sponsor for the Sugar Cayne Bike fest and supporter of our movement, we have to give a big Salute to him!! Chris is also a big advocate for having fun on bikes and the Outlaws Of Dirt jam was just that, an awesome, fun time on our bikes. Be sure to make it to the Outlaws Of Dirt when it comes to your town, it’s an awesome time 4sho!
in BMX
Chris C Olivier Interview (@PlusSizeBMX)