
Storm Finally Got Her Own Comic Book Series

storm comic book issue 1
In Marvel Comics recent push to “Diversify” it’s releases, they finally gave one of the most prominent X-Men and marvel heroines, Storm her own ongoing series! Not only is Storm an iconic comic character she’s also the first black female superheros.  Now as awesome as Storm finally having her own comic may be, I really hope that the story and action in this comic is stellar! People have been waiting a long time for this day to come and to do this series just for the sake of diversifying without putting any real passion behind it would be a huge let down. I’m loving the cover art done by Victor Ibanez and some of the first few pages look cool too, I just hope they don’t drop the ball on this one.
In Brett White interview with “Storm” writer Greg Pak you can see that he’s gonna be taking this series very seriously, hopefully it’ll translate on paper.


Thief. Goddess. Headmistress. Queen. The X-Man called STORM has always defied a single title. And her desire to better the world has never been limited to only her own kind. On a mission to foster goodwill and safeguard the mutant race’s continued existence in her own way, Storm will travel the globe, confronting man and mutant, god and monster and everything inbetween. She will overthrow tyrants, quell tsunamis and strive to see her dream for the world realized. She is STORM, a hero like no other….and the skies will tremble at the sight of their namesake.






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