I got to kick it with Malcolm, co-owner of the Gommi Arcade brand while I was at the New York Comic Con. Malcolm told me about the whole Gommi Arcade movement from art, fashion, gaming and stories. Plus he gave me look at the Gommi Arcade collab with Boombotix.
GOMMI ARCADE is a transmedia entertainment company, specializing in fashion, art, animation, music, collectible toys and electronics based on the main character in the Gommi story.
The story of GOMMI ARCADE® is the story of a young prodigy in a digital world who discovers a mysterious mask that enables him to see the real world and with the help of his friends, he uses its power to combat the ruling elite.
GOMMI ARCADE® challenges the ways we engage art and entertainment bytelling the inspirational story of Gommi, interactively across multimedia platforms and consumer product categories.