Warner Brothers has unveiled their upcoming Mortal Combat, Kollector’s Edition by Coarse ($150) which features a sick version of the Scorpion figure designed by Mark Landwehr and Sven Waschk. This is Coarse’s highest profile crossover project to-date and they did an awesome job! They have re-envisioned Scorpion in their aesthetic from the dynamic pose to their stylized musculature and twisted torso. Warner Bros. took it step further by making the Coarse-designed Scorpion also in the actual game as a skin for those who purchase the special edition. You can find out more details in the video above which shows some behind the scenes footage of their work process, digital sculpting and some CNC machine action during the Scorpion build. Be on the look out for Mortal Combat X when it Drops on 4.14 including the Kollector’s Edition by Coarse. You can pre-order yours HERE
Mortal Kombat, Kollector’s Edition By Coarse – Xbox One