
PHONY PPL – Baby, Meet My Lover – (@phonyppl)

phony ppl, meet my lover

Phony PPL dropped a dope, smooth new video/single called “Baby, Meet My Lover”.  It’s a good R&B soul joint about getting down with more than one lover. The video shows a bunch of pretty ladies of all flavors auditioning to be in the “Baby, Meet My Lover” video. From the looks at the end of the video it appears that they all got cast for the part….or parts lol 😉 “Baby, Meet My Lover” is off the Phony PPL album “Yesterday’s Tomorrow” which is available on iTunes. The video is directed, edited, shot by: Antonella Alberti.

phony ppl, meet my lover

You know what..since I been listening to this track over and over it totally reminds me of a Foreign Exchange tune….. Good music indeed!


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Terry Huddleston, Digital Art Professional