
The Power Knights By Keithan Jones (@kidcomicskj)

the power knights, keithan jones

the power knights, keithan jones
San Diego based writer/illustrator Keithan Jones of Kid Comics posted some images from his comic book series “The Power Knights” on Facebook and I had to share this one with ya’ll! The character featured in the image above is named Kandle.

About The Power Knights:

They were the most destructive force in the galaxy. Six powerful beings waging war for their king as he lay claim to system after system, planet after planet. Bound to his command by a wicked spell, Metal Star, Blue Sara, Devil Blaze, Camouflage, Warseed and Princess Ozana were forced to use their powers to crush any opposition to the monarchy. They became known as the “Tyrant” Knights. That was then…
NOW through mysterious intervention they find themselves on Earth finally free of the King’s grip. For the first time in many years they taste the power of free will. No longer slaves. But has a long history of death and chaos spawned a bloodlust within them? Will they wreck the Earth like so many worlds before it? Find out in the New Sci-fi Action Adventure, THE POWER KNIGHTS: UNBOUNDED!

Now you know!


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