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Video: One World Doll Project, Prettie Girls, Tween Scene

Prettie Girls Dolls

It was great to see Stacey McBride-Irby and the whole One World Doll Project crew back at Toy Fair NY this year. You know I had to get a new video interview and find out the update on the company and what new products they had on display. In the interview Stacy who is the creator of the multicultural Prettie Girls Dolls gave me a recap on the popular line and new for this year she also has the Tween Scene dolls.
Prettie Girls Dolls
The Tween Scene dolls are younger teen versions of the original Prettie Girls dolls. There’s also a new doll character in the Tween Scene line called Hanna who is Asian.

I also had a little fun and got Stacy to introduce the rest of the One World Doll Project crew at the booth.

I also found out more awesome news about The One World Doll Project!!! Yesterday the company announced that it will conduct a stockholders conference call on Monday, April 6 at 11 AM eastern time to lay out the details of the national retail store roll out of the Prettie Girls! Tween Scene dolls and their new line of Prettie Girls! fashion accessories…..That’s awesome! Big things are happening for them! Read more about the announcement Here

About The One World Doll Project

Established in 2010 by Trent T. Daniel and Stacey McBride-Irby, The One World Doll Project is committed to changing the retail landscape of the doll industry. The Prettie Girls!(TM), are a collection of fashion play dolls diverse in culture, interests, and style. McBride-Irby, former Mattel(R) designer most notably known as creator of the So In Style(R) dolls (the first African-American dolls by Mattel), designed the Prettie Girls! as unique works of art for a growing market yearning for something new to experience. The Prettie Girls! capture the essence of positive values and attributes that every little girl can embrace. “Prettie” stands for P(ositive) R(espectful) E(nthusiastic) T(ruthful) T(alented) I(nspiring) E(xcellent). Styled for play, yet filled with soul, The Prettie Girls! set new, higher, values-based standards for beauty- positive goals that reach across the globe and up for the stars!


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