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Hyper Bicycles Mission 1 BMX Cruiser Bike Check (@hyperbmx)

I recently caught up with Jud Ciancio of Hyper Bicycles and Snafu BMX at the East Coast Nationals at Chesapeake BMX track and we did a bike check of his awesome Hyper Mission 1 Cruiser. His frame and Snafu forks has sick and now infamous jet fuel colorway. His bike is also laced with a bunch of Profile Elite and Snafu parts, I love how the gold rims compliment the jet fuel colorway, it looks sick!

Hyper Bicycles Mission 1 MTB
Hyper Mission 1 MTB, Jet Fuel Colorway

I also asked Jud about that Jet Fuel Mission 1 MTB bike that we’ve seen photos of around the web and more, check out the video!!
Hyper Mission 1 Cruiser, jet fuel (3)
Hyper Bicycles and Snafu BMX are also huge sponsors of the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest so be expecting to see a bunch of their stuff in our prize bags at the upcoming SCBF events!
Hyper Mission 1 Cruiser jet fuel (2)

Hyper Mission 1 Cruiser, jet fuel  colorway


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