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Donate To Brooklyn Bike Park Fundraiser

Brooklyn Bike Park new

The New Brooklyn Bike Park built by Velosolutions is New York City’s first all paved pumtrack. It’s an amazing course and one of the best paved pumptracks in the states but before they can officially open to the public they need to raise funds for the insurance cost.

Brooklyn Bike Park needs is your HELP to fundraise $10,000 in order to help cover our initial down payment for insurance, and to get us going.

SATURDAY July 11th – SUNDAY August 2ND

To accelerate our fundraiser WE WlLL OPEN our doors on Saturday July 11, through August 2nd, ONLY to folks that purchase 30-DAY MEMBERSHIP for Unlimited* Sessions (Sorry, NO bike rentals YET) anytime in July through our GoFundMe Campaign.
brooklyn bike park11
If you buy your membership during the month of July you will get to experience awesome premiums just for helping us raise money, such as 4 Exclusive weeks of unlimited* VIP riding or skating starting 7/11 through 8/2 ; Your membership is good for 30 consecutive days staring the first day of use. Plus you’ll get a free BKBP t-shirt, all because you purchased a special one time only membership in July to help us reach our $10K fundraising goal. We’ll take down your info and when you show up to the park we will sign you up to be a 30-day member. Don’t forget to tell us your t-shirt size.

So if you want to be able to experience this amazing new pumptrack with unique and amazing views of the NYC skyline please visit the Brooklyn Bike Park GoFundMe page.


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