The talented Marcus Williams created a new comic book called Super Natural and we’re loving the concept. This is a superhero that is a powerful “Natural” black woman in every sense of the word.
“Super Natural is a superhero character I created to be used as a supporting pivotal character in Anthony Piper’s superhero parody entitled “Trill League“. In the world Anthony created, she sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison to the other character’s personalities. This was intentional as she is designed to be a vehicle of “pseudo normality” that readers can anchor to when things get too crazy. Her name refers to her moral stance against portraying herself as anything but a natural black woman. This includes her appearance, her diet and her lifestyle. Super Natural is not from earth, yet she has come to make a home here after some quick transitions into city life. She is immensely powerful and nearly invulnerable to all physical damage, but not immune to the everyday stresses of living in American society.” ~Marcus Williams
The popularity of Super Natural led Marcus to create comic book staring the powerful superhero with book 1 being an origin story…
Book One of Super Natural will be a comic book origin story of sorts that finally explains who she is and what’s she’s about.
Please check out the Super Natural Kickstarter page to find out a lot more details about this awesome character and future comic book