Whenever we spot amazing illustrations we’re always compelled to share them with you. There’s so much talent out there in the art/comic world and it’s our pleasure to spread the word about their work. With that said, we spotted this dope illustration of a character named “WEST AFRICAN BROTHA” done by Akinseye Art for Sokoya Productions. Check out what they had to say about this piece below.
“THE WEST AFRICAN, Happy ‘Friday Eve’ Folks! Man, don’t ever think that African people aren’t pure geniuses. Just taking in the consideration of how much work and technique is involved in designing Ghanaian Kente, is astounding. And I only had to ‘draw’ Kente. Imagine the work involved in actually producing Kente, one woven thread and weft at a time. Africans are amazing! I continue to be proud of my people. This piece is a ‘tip of the hat’ to my West African, Western African, and Africans in the West crew! Big bearded brotha, blue and black space suit, coral and gold medallion, Kente hat and shoulder cloth. Prints will be available soon!” ~Akinseye ArtÂ